I would like to use HOUSERULES as an opportunity to work with actors in relation to the site. I will work with one actor/performer/individual each week and improvise with them.
I am interested in collaboration and its attached concepts duality, identity/ identification and mirroring. How through the artistic interaction we can lose our identities, the danger in that, the pleasure in that, the limits, no limits, how it can either crush or enrich our egos. I am equally interested in “space” and its influence on the artists/ artwork.
For Thursday the 20th I will present the documentation of my work with a spoken word performer/ stand-up comedian. He writes and performs his own stuff; he can be very centered and specific in his art form but equally really open to be doubted or challenged. I am expecting him to create something inspired by the Anchor House building. The site’s aesthetic essence and conceptual connotations (abandoned offices) are very close to his subjects of interest.
For Thursday the 27th I will present my work with a talented English actor, versatile and flexible. He is a sensitive ‘instrument” and his delivery is mainly relying on his instincts and is influenced by the site and his interaction with others (actors, director). I will give him some texts related to the site for him to improvise on them. I am open to reverse our roles and to be under his directorial instructions. In every case i will initiate each dialogue by “bringing something on the table” to work on and I am expecting from the performers to challenge me back by using the means of their choice. I will document this procedure and I will present this documentation on the site.